Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The conversion of Souls

Who converts souls to Christ? Do preachers/priests? Lay people witnessing the faith? What can I say or do that would change the faith of someone else entirely?! The answer is Nothing. (John 15:5 because without me you can do nothing) Sure I can live my faith to the fullest. I can speak about it to large or small audiences, or even just one other person. I should speak of my faith, it is right in His sight. Or I can nag, insist, argue...I can even get angry. But why? Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God". I cannot give a person faith. I must humble myself and realize that is God's job. We have to let go and let God. We can't force someone to accept truth, not even to save their soul. Not even if they are family or friends, your own sons or daughters did not get their faith from you. It came from God the source of divine Truth.

Where do we draw the line between preaching to all nations and trying to force faith onto someone? That is a very delicate matter. The answer is simple, after they reject the Truth then you let them go. God gave them free will. Who are we to take that away and say 'no you must believe'? What pride to think we are better at converting souls than God?! Sounds like the original sin: be a GOD, Pride. Humble yourselves and PRAY. Pray for the people to have the Truth of Christ. (Matt 16:17 For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.) How many ways? How many times can the Bible say it: Faith is a gift from God and the flesh profits nothing. Pray for the whole world to come to the wisdom of Truth.

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